Chebe Cinnamon Rolls

I LOVE Chebe products. And I say this solely as a consumer. I am not paid by them or reimbursed by them in any way. (Although, Mr. Miller if you're reading this, I'm always open to the idea! LOL)

I recently took advantage of a great deal on their site for a 12 box pack of their products, which included their cinnamon roll mix.

I often times try to skimp on the oil and replace it with applesauce. The natural pectins always seem to help gluten free products rise better. I had made these once years ago, but I think I rolled them into balls like the regular Chebe bread. This is the first time I was brave enough to roll the dough out, cover it with cinnamon and sugar, then roll it up. That in general always seemed daunting to me, and after trying these, I realize it's not all that hard!

So into the oven they went, ready to become morsels of gooey, delicious bits of breakfast heaven.

While they were nice and gooey on their own, I added a bit of leftover Betty Crocker frosting on top. Because, well, frosting rocks!

We had our niece and nephew over for a few days, so I made these especially for them. They don't have to eat gluten free and don't normally eat any of my specialty gluten free stuff. At the age of 13, anything out of the usual is weird.

But when my nephew saw the plate of cinnamon rolls, he didn't hesitate to take one while they were still warm. He asked me if they were a family recipe, because they were so delicious!

Thanks Chebe for making my first sleepover with my niece and nephew tasty and memorable!
