Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Chebe Grilled Pizza

My husband loves to cook on the grill. Steak, fish, whole chickens - he likes to cook them all. But we tried a new thing on the grill this summer - PIZZA! And he was super cool and social media savvy enough to take pictures and post along the way. There is a great video on the Chebe website, but here are his step-by-step pictures to help you out. Summer isn't quite over here in Michigan, so there is still plenty of time to try this!

Step 1: Prepare the coals. I recommend using your neighbor's old sermon notes.:) 
Step 2: light charcoal    
Step 3: prepare the toppings. White onion, red bell pepper, & previously grilled chicken 

Step 4: prepare the dough for
Step 5: press out to desired thickness & shape
Step 6: Arrange the coals to create a hot zone & a cool zone for the
Step 7: place the dough on the direct heat side for 3 minutes to make your
Step 8: remove crust from grill
Step 9: arrange toppings. I decided to add some "heirloom" tomatoes from
to our  #grilledpizza
Step 10: return the to the indirect heat side of the grill
Step 11: after 10 minutes, remove your
Take it inside & enjoy!